A Scottish Can Can is a regional dialect version of the term Can Can.

The term Can Can is used to describe a person whom says they can do something even knowing you know they will ultimately fail.

The Scotish variety is used only against a Scottish person.
Corey : I can beat you lot at videogames any day of the week.

(Proceeds to lose at the videogames)

Cris : corey you are such a Scottish Can Can
by Milk Drinker 1212 March 3, 2021
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When someone kisses a person who appears to be a woman in a skirt but soon realized it was a man in a kilt
Yeah dude I totally got a Scottish Surprise from that blond over there
by bagpiping penguins July 28, 2022
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When your Girlfriend gives you oral after her mouth was being used as a human poo toilet
guy 1: Dude, Me and my girl just tried the Scottish Plunger,
guy 2: Really, how did that go?
guy 1: I'm got 5 years in the slammer for rape, Totally worth it though
by Dandal202 May 1, 2016
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A douchebag made from the intestines of a sheep. Commonly used by people native to Scotland.
I just killed Patrick the sheep, going to make a knarly scottish gravy bag
by Clowndaddy September 16, 2017
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Absolute boyo from up north, big stocky lad so watch out. Will fight anyone
Watch out Scottish mcnee is about
by Scottish mcnee December 5, 2018
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Angus: "Och hay. D'ya 'ave any Scottish Fudge ah cen borrow, Jim?"

Jim: "Ay, ah got an ounce in me sporan fer just an occasion."
by TheAtomicPunk November 23, 2013
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Where you take a straw up a man's ass and blow on the straw while pulling on his weiner as if you were playing on the bag pipes.
Tiffany gave me a Scottish Delight last night and then I played a round of golf today.
by Frack It October 7, 2022
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