the sham of Persian history promoted by biased Iranian claiming an empire extending from Africa to china and india .a fake history believed by almost all Persian people .that's the most annoying flex
screw all that persianism surfacing on the internet !
by Hojatkermani November 24, 2021
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A set position that was based off the brutal efficiency of the persian deep gold mines.
Thw persian deep mine sexual postition: A dildo or other serial toy is affiliated to the tip of a pogo stick and the fitted into an orifice and then operated.
by Lary hitler October 14, 2023
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A Persian afro is when you find a hairy pussy with curls, go down on her then stick a buttplug into her pussy & ass, then add sea salt spray and texturing power to the pubes and volumize. After that, leave for 2 days, repeat the pube routine then pull out the toys and let it rip like a beyblade (For Sofia)
Hey Billy why do you smell like shit? Oh I did a Persian Afro with yasmine
by Black Kid International Sensat September 27, 2023
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nickname for Shahs of Sunset cast member Lilly Ghalichi
The Persian Barbie is the most followed Iranian on social media, makes more than one million dollars a year as an attorney, and went to UT-Austin for undergrad.
by Coop Dupe January 29, 2020
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Multiple empires that ruled over big parts of Asia.
Here come's Assyrian Empire never mind it's the Babylonian, Median, ITS THE PERSIAN EMPIRE. wow thats big.
by TheyCallMeSlim October 26, 2022
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