(n.) a woman who is short in stature but high in bangability.
Shawn Johnson is micro-poon.
by blamaste December 6, 2010
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The act of slow torture but with small objects like needles, pens, and little 4 inch pocket knives
Whilst Jonathan was strapped to the chair Jesse preformed micro torture for hours on him until he told him what he wanted.
by psyclime4ed August 28, 2023
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A microscopic wave, mathematically impossible microscopic wave
A micro wave is small
by Maxifire32 August 25, 2022
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A micro kill is when you murder someone and they are not well known enough to have made a difference. Often used to talk about killings of loners
Bro, if I kill her it doesn't matter, it's a micro kill she legiterally has no impact
by Angelica Loe March 31, 2018
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Nickname for Sil2
Ffs sil this is the eighth time you’ve killed me tonight you micro famine
by Peteclarkesham November 22, 2021
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Smaller than normal sized nipples usually resulting in someone commenting on how small their nipples are.
by asshole25 August 11, 2018
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