To be sketchy
Yo. Brandon is sketch when he is cutting potatoes.
by Jek94 December 7, 2018
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Meaning when something is scary, or when you are totally

anxious/nervous about something...
"Dude, that BMX race was SO sketch! Did you see those jumps!"

"I know! Bill almost ate **it!!"
by StarReigh October 7, 2011
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some one who is frigid-too afraid to kiss or do anything more than holding hands........a pussy!

sik mait sik subwo0fer!
1.Seth is such a *SKETCH*. took him 5 fkn years b4 he even touched Jenny!
2.some one who is too shy to ask some one out eg.karl cordial man ... *STEER*
by seth November 29, 2003
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Sketch is an extra-terrestial alien that comes from private room hax.
That's a sketchy mofo.
by cameezy October 2, 2006
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When the Gardaí see you egging someone's gaff
by nyarda shigaloni April 9, 2019
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The act of turning your dad’s thermostat to 100f and proceeding to have sex with your girl in your sweltering Arabian desert bedroom. When you are about to conclude, you stand up and start preforming a swaying motion with your dick and concluding across your partner, making it seem like you etch a sketched all over your partner. The removal process is to vigorously shake your partner.
Randy gave me the Arabian etch a sketch last night, things got heated
by lukedanc October 29, 2019
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