An amazing person, extremely pretty, makes anyone fan over them, very trustworthy. They have an amazing personality and their smile is everything.
Grace is caring, pretty, and makes their close friends really happy.
by :ö: ! <3 July 22, 2022
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A smart and athletic girl in a healthy relationship. but if she sees anyone with a nice brick(the building kind), she will literaly break their kneecaps and send them to hell to get that brick.
things she enjoys are Dancing and grueling sesions with her brick that keeps the neighbors all night.
Other than her brick obsession she is a normal girl except her mind is deep in the gutter. Like SUPER deep.
Wow that is a Grace perfect brick there

Wow Grace was up late last night ;)
wow you just broke my kneecaps that was a Grace move
wow that is an athletic dancer, shemust be a Grace
by GeneralZ 1489 January 10, 2018
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The most amazing person in the entire world, she can be insecure at times but she is strong enough to strive through with help from one special boy!

People called Grace tend to marry boys called Elliot.

They will meet in the third year of secondary school, grow closer and live the rest of their life's together!
"Have you seen how good Elliot and Grace look together?"

"Yeah it's amazing!"
by Dutch124 July 19, 2014
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Stop searching urban dictionary for good definitions Conner
Grace - stop reading this
by evgudmaker March 20, 2022
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Someone who deserves, and receives, nothing but pain. Grace hasn't done anything wrong, nor does she do anything to deserve pain. Still, she deserves, and receives, nothing but pain.

Grace is also a frequently appearing character in videos by LetsGameItOut, a youtuber infamous for breaking games, and causing NPCs horrible pain. Mainly, Grace.
Well look who it is. If it isn't Grace. I have a special place for you, Grace. *places in room and seals room off for a thousand years* Now we shall never speak of that again!
by Probably a potato February 10, 2023
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She has a really really big cock. She’s graceful and will make out if asked. She doesn’t like people named Park but she has three boyfriends, all of which are gaybos.
Person 1: “Is that Grace? I can see h-h-her buldge through her pants!”
Person 2: “I rode that once.”
by Dibbledibbledibble May 21, 2023
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