a broken home. usually due to a family falling apart or parents splitting up.
hey, there’s cracks in our casita and it’s really taking a toll on me.
by p3na January 3, 2022
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That feeling when you are at a festival, you're all dressed up, and you've been walking around forever so the sweat has run down your butt crack. Now it's rubbing and starting to rash up and you can't do anything about it because you're wearing your festival finery.
"Wanna go hit up the sustenance stall and purchase unhealthy fried festival foods to consume?"

"Ahhh, I would, but I'm rocking this nasty festival crack."
by A goat with a mission March 6, 2021
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A very small white male that one day wants to be tall but unfortunately doesnt have the facilities for that because he’s a midget
Hey, look at that dumb crack-lit lets break his legs
by Matt stoney October 19, 2022
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The act of jerking off (typically a man), especially to the point of orgasm.

Originates from the term "jacking off" as well as the similarity of the "cracking" sound from performing it and the opening of usually alcoholic beverage bottles.
It is also a popular perversion of "cracker jack", the brand of caramel corn.
Roommate: "You two were so loud last night! I heard you cracking jack so loud I couldn't get to sleep!"

"Yo, she was cracking jack so hard i almost passed out!"
by J. Gam January 17, 2008
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When you think you overdosed on crack but you wake up and realize you were really just asleep.
“I can’t today because I’m going straight home to take a crack nap
by Cracknaps4ever May 20, 2019
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