The idea that you can make up a fake philosophical law, and as long as it has a legit sounding name people will believe you.
Guy 1: "Look up 'Fúldya's Law', it perfectly describes what happened yesterday." Guy 2: " Can you give me a link or something man? I cant really find it." (Insert rickroll link or a gay porn link disguised as a different link)
by Fúldya August 4, 2023
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If you touch somone, you have also touched what they have touch at the point of contact.
Ew, I just touched that guys face through the Law of Comunicability.
by JezusFreek October 2, 2009
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A so called scientific proof mentioned by kritik (name changed) whenever someone calls him sus
"Newton's 4th law. Bopz!", kritik (name changed) said as someone called him sus
by Bopzfellow June 26, 2021
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When a conversation goes on longe enough, it will inevitably become about Communism or someone being actively racist
The thread went on for 200 comments, and controlfreak's law only kicked in about 50 comments in
by Controlfreak91102 November 29, 2020
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