To beg for another's salad at the local mall's food court in order to guzzle it down free of charge.
Nah I'll take it, I'll just hoover it down.
by CouchPotato2019 March 5, 2021
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Of a person who can’t control their marijuana fiend wits. Usually follows behind a cloud of smoke. Always the first to ask to smoke but last to pitch in on the Za
Hoover: “Yo man can I have that roach when y’all done smokin it”
Non-hoover: Nah nigga get ya own blunt”
by Whiskyemike March 7, 2021
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Verb, the act of insufflation. Typically used as slang to refer to inhalation of illicit substances. Also used abstractly to refer to rapid consumption of food.
I was so hungry I just hoovered that burger down. It's also incredible that I was so hungry after hoovering shneef all night.
by There's nobirthdaypartyhere April 22, 2021
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The act of inhaling all or most of a given available quantity of a drug, such as cocaine, ye, or marijuana.
When the blow gets passed around, he always hoovers it.
by browniesandstuff April 1, 2012
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Taite is a cute tik toker who lives in Cali. He’s nice and caring if you are his friend or a fan. No matter what he is there for you
Person 1: who is that cute tik toker
Person 2: that’s Taite Hoover
by Predation trash February 21, 2021
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The girl that sucks cooshie like a high name brand vacuum
She was a Dyson Hoover ass last weekend she clearly cleaned 3 girls carpets
by Tricky Ricky Bobby 540 December 10, 2018
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