cal, is a very talented girl. She can also draw very well, she’s also extremely good at video editing. Cal is also a very fun and nice person to be friends with. Cal best girl
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To cal something is to overreact incredibly, or change your mind last second about major decisions when it suddenly interests you. Usually, you'll end up in a mess of drama if you cal something.
Hey Gook, you hear someone pulled a cal again?

Sheesh, it never ends does it? Once a week it feels like.
by Riceism May 3, 2020
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Short for calories, mostly used by those who suffer from Eating Disorders.
June: Hey Julie, wanna go out for some McDonald’s with me?

Julie, in her head: Ew… that’s way too much Cals. Why would she ever ask me that?
by filmfemale September 24, 2022
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A guy who everyone wants to be friends with. He's sweet and compassionate and you could definitely trust him to hold your drink at a party. He has a great sense of style and is very self-confident but not in an arrogant way, because he knows himself. Usually has the biggest dick in the room but is modest about it.
Cal is such a cool guy, I'm so glad I get to hang out with him. He really cares about my feelings.
by Kllueless November 6, 2020
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Mark: Man is being such a cal rn
by Train Le Dumbass August 5, 2022
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cal is the cutest boy ever. he will love me.
cal will date me soon.
by lookoko June 6, 2021
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