A term used to describe a person who was born between 1990 and 1999.
90s kids born during and after 1996 are also known as Generation Z.
"I'm a 90s kid! I remember so many things like Lizzy McGuire and Lisa Frank! Don't even get me started on Diablo I."
by AnaSenshi99 June 25, 2022
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when you moan another girls name in your girlfriends ear while having intercourse.
dude i spure for 90 my girlfriend and she went ballistic .
by renkid16 August 27, 2017
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This is the action in which you are riding a motorcycle in the rain and need to eliminate the water on your visor. You simply turn your head to the (L)eft for a few seconds and then turn your head to the (R)ight for a few seconds while going 90 mph.
I was riding on my R1 to Indian Lake (logan county Ohio) when it started raining. I had to turn on my LR 90 wipers to even see the road.
by honkeydonkey May 23, 2013
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To do a fad or trend to try to reinvent the 1990's akin to rollerblading, skateboarding, hula hooping, yoyoing ect. Or trying to bring back good feelings with nostalgia from the 1990's (i.e.) Tomagachi, Furbies, or Pokemon.
I forgot I had some 90'sing to do before the film's intro. (Proceeds to grind staircase guardrail with skateboard).
by TheHeroKing January 4, 2022
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A type of military ID card used to get a military discount at Slim Chicken's or in an attempt to lure a potential mate to bed
I can't tell you what I do for a job, but I've got a MoD 90
by KuBar March 9, 2022
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Probably the most toxic group on the internet. Some of them are mature but the immature ones think that the 90s were the best thing ever since sliced bread even though they're just nostalgic for whenever they were a kid. But if those 90s fans weren't actually from the 90s then they possibly just listen to some of its music or something to be different from their acquaintances or something like that and they often whine about "being born in the wrong generation" but that's more common for the 50s-80s. Many of them think of today's kids as bratty, ungrateful, and addicted of their phones, but not every kid of now is like that and they were possibly addicted to their precious nintendo and were probably bratty as well (watch cailliou if you wanna prove me wrong), little do they know they're actually setting off a bad example. The 90s must've been sooo great for them because they were little kids but unfortunately they blame the present's flaws for their failures as adults, but that's exactly what the previous generations did. They should grow out of it eventually. They also brag about how they had gameboy and such like you expect me to say "OMG hOw DiD yOu MaNaGe To SuRvIvE bAcK tHeN?!"
Toxic 90s fan: OMG the 90s were so much better than the present in every way!
Smart Person: So Megababies and Dial-Up were better than Regular Show and Wi-fi? I think not!
Toxic 90sfan: Shut up stupid zoomer who's addicted to fortnite and snapchat, go kill yourself idiot!

Mature 90s fan: I like the 90s!
Random Guy: I don't like the 90s but I respect your opinion!
Mature 90s fan: I respect yours too!
by Robloxian101yt January 19, 2022
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An emptiness felt by a PEDOPHILE because so much behind closed doors stuff goes on but only the EXHIBITIONISTS PEDOPHILES are caught.
That VACUOUS 90 is feeling so empty because they heard some families keep quiet secrets about their SEX.
by EPODD HATHAWAY March 20, 2021
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