Extremely painful anal sex from the man's or "dominant" person's perspective
When I tried anal for the first time with my girl it was a meat grinder
by JupiterLOJ February 13, 2017
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Receiving a blow job from anyone with braces.
The Doc said, I mines well have stuck my pecker dick in a meat grinder...
by misty mayhem September 22, 2012
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Meat grinder: getting a BJ while teeth are scraping on the penis.
My penis is raw from the meat grinder I got last night at the party.
by Tram2016 February 16, 2019
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Guy 1: How did this river get here?
Guy 2: There was a meat grinder
by acanthodian June 28, 2022
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Shitting meat while a girl comes over to eat the shit. And then she shits meat and he eats it. This would often go on for a matter of hours before sexual intercourse would begin. Sometimes the women would through ice cream in her diet to show that her shit tastes good.
by Gdbni November 8, 2011
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One who hears an event and misconstrues it so much that it isn't the original event anymore. Just like putting a steak through a grinder to make ground beef. It isn't steak anymore, its just a pile of meat thats you can eat.
You just meat grinded why i'm in a terrible mood.

You meat grinder why did you say I broke up with my girlfriend. I told you that my friend broke up with his girlfriend, not me!!
by molo$$$$ November 23, 2021
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When the person giving the blowjob slowly grinds their teeth down on the penis.
Oh my god Stacy gave me a British Grinder last night now my penis hurts
by ThatOneSandwich March 18, 2016
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