It's like, what's up. i mean like, what you're doing when you're talking to someone and it's legit. It's like real talk without all the serious connotations. It's just legit
Val: Yo let's get on legit talk status.
Jack: For real, real talk is too deep for this shit right now, let's get legit.
by yeeeeeeeeeebitchhhhhhhhstatus November 13, 2009
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Getting high being, high, or staying high, on Methbombs. (methbomb, extasy with copious amounts of meth in it. see methbomb)
friend: "fuck that crazy cluck!"

me: "whatever," *points at us both, "..clucks"?

friend:"Ya but were cluckin on somthin legit!"
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Legit Boss Ass Nigga is someone who is rich as fuck and will not take shit from anyone
Guy1: yo that dude is rich as fuck
Guy2: That motherfucker is a Legit Boss Ass Nigga lo
by Number#1realfanLegitASS August 27, 2020
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1. bad ass
2. so bad ass you cant quit
3. M.C. Hammer song
Kyle, Josh, Joe, Justyn, J.C., Espi, Corey B, Jordan and Black Josh are 2 legit 2 quit.
by joshuah October 22, 2007
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A series by youtuber Idubbbz. Easily fappable.
Intellectual 1: Yoooo did you catch the new episode of Legit Food Review?
Intellectual 2: Yeah, man, it was enlightening. I had no idea that a whole honey ham could fit through the anus.
by Borfotron November 14, 2018
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A word used to express extreme badassery, maturity, sexiness and on occasion, holy penis size. Often used as a much more fantastic and meaningful synonym for dynomite.
Person 1: Did you just have sex with three girls while playing YYZ by Rush on the drums, cooking pancakes and kicking Mike Tyson's ass?
Person 2: Suredizzle.
Person1: Legit-o-mite!

Girl: Oh my gosh! He has a 9 inch penis! And it glows! It is so legit-o-mite!
by King of FUPA December 14, 2010
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2L2Q BOOTS which are designed as protection from the elements may be made of a single closely-stitched piece (of leather, rubber, etc) to prevent the entry of water, skank juice, haterade, douchebag resin, mud from the pond, or dirt through the gaps left between laces and tongue in other types of shoes.
man: "Man fool... I heard it's supposed to rain how we gunna go party at the pond for new years?"

mans homie: "Wear your 2 Legit 2 Quit Boots!"
by southsidetexas December 30, 2011
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