v. To twist, shrivel, or bend from a flat uniform discoid shape into something resembling a deformed potato chip.

Am I seeing this right! Tell me you did not just pringle my bicycle wheel!


Jen’s umbilical hernia recurred when her mesh pringled due to a chronic Yersinia infection.
by gnostic3 February 4, 2019
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The moment by which a man pushed his erect penis into a woman’s vagina. There is a moment of tension before it ‘pops’ in.

Once you pop you can not stop!

When your having sex with a girl it’s all about the Pringle.
by Sionymags November 17, 2018
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Lays in a tube
Dude i want some lays




You do like pringles so much?

I need a dad
by CBT (Capibara Therapy) March 31, 2022
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The revolution of pringles are here. Now with triple the salt!

Side effects:
Meme fever

Dysentery (1-5 days left to live on the oregon trail.)
Being voted out first in Survivor Saba.
Holy crap these pringles 2.0 lack salt fat and death. I'm still alive, is a statement that any good chip nowadays should not be said after eating them!
by DrChippy July 27, 2019
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When you're single and ok w it because your perfect alone
Tina: Dave are you ever gonna find a girlfriend?
Dave: Nah imma Single Pringle
by female woman January 11, 2023
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