A pookie jay en is an obese person. This slang is used in South Dakota.
Look at that "pookie jay en" eating all the food at dinner table.
James is a "pookie jay en".
by karinagarciaismyqueen April 19, 2021
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Someone who is beautiful, cute and looks like a pookie. They shall learn from their mistakes and will love you. HAVE A SKRUNKLY POOKIE IN YOUR LIFE.
Maritza is the skrunkly pookie to emilys world.
by marmarrrrrrr April 7, 2023
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An individual with a heart of gold and compassion. Pooks eats most of the time. Not many crumbs.
Zee pookie gamz…Zee pookie gamz…zee pookie gamz
by lolololooooollloll March 5, 2023
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Pookie is a nickname you can give to your close friend or romantic partner, although in certain online communities like Pinterest, pookie is used more casually to anyone you appreciate on the site.

Additional notes;
- You can also call a fictional character you like Pookie.
- Pookie can be shortened to pooks.
Example 1:

Person 1: "I love you pookie <3"
Person 2: "Aww I love you too pooks !!"

Example 2:

Person 1: *Makes a hot-take.*
Person 2: "I 100% agree pookie!"

Ex 3:

Person 1: "I love this character, she's so pookie."
Person 2: "I know right!? I love her so much <3"
by lovethzzz September 6, 2023
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The word pookie literally means vagina and i didn’t know before now and i called my gf pookie so don’t call people pookie ya’ll 😭
by pookiemeansvagina August 11, 2023
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A pookie is a Southern- African affectionate name for a bush-baby or galago (Galagidae).
I could see the pookie's bright eyes up in the tree.......
by ngungumbane August 27, 2018
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