Any degree in the liberal arts, hard sciences, or with funny-looking titles. It's not that you can not necessarily find a job with these degrees, but it usually implies having to go to graduate school, supplementing vocationally relevant coursework, or networking like hell. It puts you in a challenging predicament. Also, these majors are the most common 'barista' majors.
John: AHHHH Shit. I should have majored in computer engineering. I can't find a job with my biology degree. What do I do? I'm sorry dad. I shouldn't have gotten this useless degree.

Dad: I told you so son. Now just supplement your degree so you can salvage your useless degree.
by prathabeast April 23, 2022
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'Fries With That?' Degree n.
A college or university degree with no real prospect of employment. Recipients will likely end up working fast food to pay the bills, and burning their diploma to keep warm.
"Hey man, you hear Mary is taking a BA in Ukrainian Folklore?"
"Yea man, total FTW degree."
by B.Sc. October 9, 2013
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The angle at which an armor joint on a bridge must be cut to ensure maximum efficiency
Brian: “did you guys cut that joint at 45 degrees?”
Don: “no we can accomplish the same goal as cutting straight down”
Brian: “you all are fucking retarded” *slams truck door, takes of in anger*
by Trainwreck6969 June 19, 2020
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Shut up a degree, or better known as SUD. Is a reply students tell there, parents or friends, when they ask the dreaded question, "what do you want to do?", "What career are you interested in?", "What kind of job do you want?". And you, as a young adolescent have no freaking clue. So you choose a random degree that sounds flashy, like, "Well I'm interested in getting my doctorate!", Or "Law sounds pretty nice!". When in reality your just naming out any degree to end the conversation. In the end, you are trying to get them to shut up and move to another topic.
Parent of 15-year-old: "Hey Jimmy, what kind of careers are you looking at?"

*Jimmy has no interest in this subject and just wants to continue to play Fortnite*

Jimmy: "well, honestly I'm really interested in making you proud and becoming a doctor, probably a surgeon!"

*Jimmy is a germophobe, and has a major fear of blood*
*Parents shut up, and Jimmy continues to play Fortnite*
A prime example of the use of a Shut Up Degree
by The.Weird.One March 18, 2019
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Unlike a mildly-to-moderately-heated first- or second-degree fart that may merely cause minor reddening and/or blistering, this term refers to a super-hot expellation of concentrated putrid methane that not only broils Uranus and singes your butthole-hairs on the way out, but it also scorches the thigh/knee of any unfortunate fellow human being who happens to be unsuspectingly holding you on his lap at the time! It is wise, therefore, to be constantly "aware" of your colon's current "status" or "progression" of fart-activity whenever you're canoodling with someone, so that if you "feel one on the way", you can hastily hop off (here's one case where your lover most definitely **won't** think you rude or anti-social when you abruptly/wordlessly bounce up off his lap) and direct your posteriors away from your snuggle-buddy, anyone else within a fifty-foot radius, and of course, any source of fire (yes, farts are VERY MUCH flammable!), such as the outdoor grille that's currently frying up another big batch of the same beans 'n' hot wings that made you have the awful flatulence in the first place.
Redneck chick: I don't wanna have any interruption of the romantic snuggle-time with my hopefully-future-husband at our family's backyard barbecue this evening, so I'd better not partake of any of that rich spicy stuff that always gives me the third-degree farts!
by QuacksO December 26, 2016
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When you say "ur mum gay" and someone replies with "no u"
Person 1: Ur mum gay
Person 2: No u
(Person 1 gets 20th degree burns on every part of their body)
by MakeUDGreatAgain February 18, 2021
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(n) A term used to describe the experience obtained by visiting friends at other colleges for the weekend, usually involving partying and drinking.
Lets go get a weekend degree at San Diego State, my boy has the hookup on parties and a place to stay.
by Joseph ("the god father") December 14, 2009
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