1. The name given to a boy who would do anything possible to get with a girl.

2. The name given to a boy who is overly obsessed with a girl
Philip McCorry is such a simp
by BasicallyMikey June 8, 2020
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The act of performing desperate actions to attain subpar women
Ben would sell his kidneys to start a streak with that meatloaf of girl

synonyms for simp



Jake dion
by Splurg May 8, 2020
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Simp stands for squirrels in my pants it's a famous quote from Phineas and Ferb
I jump like that because there are simp
by Platypus controlling me October 18, 2020
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A simp is any person that is a overly caring.
by jojoking234 March 30, 2021
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May I, a woman respecting and feminist-supportive male, see at least one breast from you my queen? I do not mean to come on as an improper male, and if this request disturbs you, please make me aware. You, my queen, deserve the utmost respect of any female. However, many of my gender seem to sexualize woman and view them as sex toys. However, my queen, I do not share these views. Rather, I value the female spectrum of the human race as the superior, and I, a respectful male, request for the viewing of an isolated, singular breast from your body. I await your response my Queen.
Man, this guy is such a simp. instead of asking for nudes he asks for" a singular breast from your body, my queen"
by Georgeh43 April 14, 2020
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