The classic dumbass college freshman. Loves to get blackout and vomit his alcoholic beverages wherever he goes. Usually fucks 6s or 7s. Sometimes referred to as: “retard”, or “Fucker with autism”.
Goddamnit it’s that retard Chris Noyes. He fucking sucks.
by Not here? March 10, 2020
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"ow he just hit Rhianna!"
"yeah he need to stop Chris Browning
by leumaspc July 27, 2017
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biggest twat going thinks he is solid cos he walks arounf with a butter knife....if you take the piss out of his obese ass cat he will come for you during the night in his shitty tracksuite with a gold shirt on.
chris hedges is over their! what a cunt
by chris hedges June 2, 2019
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Chris Hughes is the name of someone who enjoys praying on young children. At times he can be very caring and loveable, but when it hits, he becomes a predator/murderer/psycho capable of mass destruction. Anyone with this name usually has an I.Q score of under 85.
by A. Huggies June 9, 2020
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There was once a salty Chris who thought he was not gay but people thought that he was
by 1357445Jimmie February 20, 2018
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Chris thought he had friends all of them thought he was gay and a salty chris
by 1357445Jimmie February 20, 2018
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literal fucking boulders. they’re called chris ricos because they’re rich in lbs and act like chris griffin. nobody is fatter than the big kahunas that are chris ricos. in fact, you can spot a chris rico by the little moons caught in their orbits. not only are they fat, but they are big boned too and everything including their skulls are massive.
chris rico is a ball.
by djscrimwithdat808 July 2, 2019
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