" When you thought ahead too fast and moved back in spot."
I was speaking too fast sorry, I brain Leaped, No not a excuse Really a Brain Leap~!
by Settling April 25, 2021
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This phrase has multiple definitions: 1. You have made a small error due to incompetence or defect. 2.You have made a large error and are worthy of institutionalisation. 3.You are brain dead and require constant help and support to get through the day.
*Emily tries to unlock a BMW with her Toyota Echo car keys.
Richard: Damn it Emily! Your Omelette Brain is getting worse!
by November 28, 2020
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Thinking too much to your self confessing shit you can't believe you thought judging your thoughts and logic and reasoning skills.
Stop smoking meth blabber brain I can hear your thoughts and your arrested development.
by Lvcifr March 20, 2020
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When you indulge in twitch so much that the streamer you watch is the only thought process you can formulate. One that will choose to comment in a streamers chat even after the streamer is done streaming. Having chat brain come from being an overly dedicated twitch fan.
Yo Mike you gotta stop watching so much twitch your going to get chat brain !
by BILL YENZEN September 24, 2022
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To completely space out and lose yourself mentally in a fictional scenario, plot or thought. The source of the thoughts can either be internal or external, such as a movie plot or just a conversation about a certain topic.

Multiple people people can be affected by arc brain together if they mindlessly continue rabbling, spouting coherent nonsense but yet still understanding one another, somehow sticking to the original topic.

An example of this phenomena could be when you watch a film with a friend and you notice that one of you have been staring into the void, sitting completely still and silent. Then suddenly that person presents a sub plot about something unimportant or an extremely detailed analysis of something completely irrelevant to the film.

Arc brain commonly happens while under the influence of marijuana.
While watching Encanto, "How do you think the villages local economy is affected by the loss of the madrigal family's magical power?"

"Sheesh man I don't know. Solid arc brain though."
by Trumor and Mentis January 29, 2022
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