The concept of respecting another's gacha pulls by respecting their targeted limited banner. This includes not rolling on the said banner to keep the "believed" pool to be abundance ready for their picking.
Friend 1: A guildmate of mine was pulling for Nian, I didn't need her so I ignored the banner to avoid deprivation of the limited pool.
Friend 2: You do realize Respect Banner Targeting isn't real?
by Alexiel F.G.O September 17, 2020
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said by a fatass that works at chick fil a back of house. created while playing fortnite with greasy fingers and sweating
you know what dgon, youre targeted
by youretargeted October 16, 2023
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When you are trying to find a specific item in a Target but do not know where that item is stocked. The portion of the store which you do not know is Target Incognita.
“They just remodeled the store and moved everything, now everything is Target Incognita”
by snarf22 October 19, 2021
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When an insane cult that supports destroying women's sports (for women) and letting men go into women's restroom and do bad things, burning down crap, and putting walmarts in black neighborhoods out of business
put up clothes for children of topics that are totally inappropriate for kids and parents were righteously indolent about not only having to say they can't explain this crap to them 'wait until you get older my child', but that they were supposed to (which is insane and immoral)...
and people got angry for some (in)sane reason totally incomprehensible to people who aren't just deranged but different apparently.

Target had to
2 (When target) had to remove the inappropriate and unhealthy indoctrination material in fear of 'The Bud Lite Situation'.
The target Situation:
'Uh, oh.
We need to remove the cultish indoctrination crap that is inappropriate for kids and is upsetting parents despite the financial consequences from the esb

or we are going to find ourselves in a
(The) Bud lite Situation.
If we don't,
stockholders might sue us for sabotaging their stocks.
Because we only care about money though, and still uphold Bud Lite original 'shelf space', we need to do math on what will loose us the most, the line of credit hit, or angry republican extremists from the far right.' (Actually just parents just rip shnit /shiz about having to explain front butt S words/concepts/ terminology to their children).
by bobsterclause June 4, 2023
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A general reference to any individual within any setting who has earned a reputation for belligerence in public places for no apparent reason.

The remark generally implies a weariness of the situation and identifies that the person making the remark would like to immediately remove his or her self from the circumstance.

The remark does not absolutely pronounce that one has had personal experience with such individual but rather is a subtle way of identifying one's own general weariness about any potential interaction with such 'type'.

The primary difference between a Karen and "That guy from Target" is that a Karen generally has been provoked in some fashion which no one else is can understand and somehow said Karen has determined that 'standing their ground' is demonstratably a sign or act of bravery. This is often perceived by onlookers as some sort of self-empowered policing, whereas "That guy from Target" is more like an unhinged animal, a dog that might become afraid and attack with viscious intent.
"That's that guy from Target - back up slowly and don't make any sudden moves."

"That's the guy from Target and it appears that he is out of pamphlets..."

That guy from Target
by Sir H. C. Notneb June 23, 2021
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A person who while out in public begins to cough uncontrollably without covering their mouth and doesn't bother to wash their germ filled hands before touching random store items, shopping cart, and door handle.
" I just saw that fella over yonder spitting cooties all up in his hands and spreading them there germs everywhere."

"Is that right, somebody call the boys and tell em we gots ourselves a Live Target over here"
by Anitta Below March 30, 2020
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