When a person encounters a problem on a computer, calls for help, and finds out it's the Dumbass Contractor's fault for sending a corrupt file.
IT - Hello

Employee #1 - Hi, Im trying to print a file, but the printer keeps giving me an error message.

IT - OK, we will take a look.

</ 2 min. pass>....

IT - Hello

Employee #1 - Sorry, its the file. I tried sending to another printer and got the same error. Just realized the contractor sent me a squirrely PDF thats 25MB for some reason. My bad, operator error.
by Employee #1 December 14, 2010
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To be Error 37'd is to be playing Diablo 3, then being cut off because the server isn't up-to-par.
Person 1: What's up with you, bro?

Person 2: I got Error 37'd, man.

Person 1: Ouch.
by JustNineLetters May 19, 2012
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1. Cryptic means of telling a person they don't know how to use their computer.

2. Computer problems caused by not knowing basic computer functions.
Calling Tech Support over an obvious computer solution such as an unplugged monitor not turning on.

"That's a simple Chair to keyboard interface error, sir. Just plug that mouse in and you're golden."
by Insubious November 14, 2008
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Tired of having 'Error' talking in your discord server? Tired of seeing an 'Error' in your discord server? September 20th is where you can bully Error. Fuck error am i right? You can bully error in this day. Send them this definition if they don't know why you're bullying them.
Error: Hi
You: Fuck you cunt
Error: Why?
You: It's National Bully Error Day
by LilGremlinWayne January 3, 2021
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Computer repair term. Whenever a computer user does something idiotic and causes a major and sometimes unrepairable problem.
The Idiot: I spilt a glass of water on my computer can you repair it?

The Repair Shop: Sounds like a "I.D.10-T Error", not sure we can repair your computer, but let us have a look.
by Stuart Hale November 25, 2006
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The unfortunate incident when you incorrectly @ (mention) somebody on Twitter leading to shame and disgrace among your following community.
''Hey, Jared just made a huge gram@ical error while he was trying to Tweet Lady Gaga.''

''What did he do?''

''He put @ladyhaha instead of @ladygaga''

''What a noob...''
by BarthDendoris September 16, 2012
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A Brazilian group made by Error Sans da Misantropia (formerly known as TomTosname TV, he hates this name now) who was based off UTTP (UTubeTrollPolice) and is known for its worship for Error Sans, its misanthropy and its hatred for SJWs, porn, ban, block, people who say fodase, people who accuse people of having multiple accounts, people who call people trolls, attention seekers, autistic, schizophrenics, psychopaths, incels, raiders, edgy, Nazis, communists, ancaps, emo, Satanists, Illuminati, Freemasons, black, gay, Jewish, furries, weebs, bronies, Gachatards, K-Pop fans, Undertale fans, and more. While some people say they're an Undertale group, they claim to just like Error Sans and are an Anti-Undertale group, and speaking of that, they're also against the fandoms of FNF, DHMIS and PewDiePie and are T-Series supporters. They're also atheists and anti-Christians. They plan to take down Amino, Discord, Quora, all porn sites and Brazilian imageboards and more simply because they have the things they hate.
The Grupo dos Error Sansfags is coming after me because I accused someone of having alts!
by DWÆY January 13, 2023
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