Not a term -DayFern
Bro: nothing good ever happens after midnight is not a term dude

Other bro: yeah good point
by Kian September 9, 2021
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These six words can be described into one word - clickbait.

They guarantee millions of views from people with 1.5x more IQ than the producer at the smartest. They try to trick low-IQ viewers (which there are a lot of them) into thinking that they are smart.
A car crashed, but you'll never guess what happens next
by Power476 December 17, 2020
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A large, popular group on Facebook consisting of members from all over the world.
If 1 Million & 1 People Join This Group Nothing Will Happen!

Best of the Groups, best of the posters and best of wit!
by Salacious Menace July 18, 2009
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This phrase is used to explain mayhem, anarchy, rage, panic, disorder or all hell braking loose, which appears to occur for no apparent reason.

It can also be used by a person addressing someone who has caused them displeasure, usually followed up by some act of revenge or simply said in anger.
When addressing someone who has offended you "This is what happens when you feed a goat scrambled eggs.”...the protagonist would threaten, physically attack, follow up with an insult, or taking revenge like keying their foes car

Upon observing a riot, or extreme busyness such as the work place or rush hour. " Sigh This is what happens when you feed a goat scrambled eggs”

In a fit of anger.

If something large or valuable like a building is destroyed.

When you don’t know what everybody else is panicing about.
by Spencer 1986 September 30, 2008
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Have you ever wondered where your backspaced letters go?

When your writing something on the internet and you make a mistake you backspace it, The backspaced letters get transported to a magical trash can that no one can find except for pac-man. Pac-man goes to the trash can when he's hungry and chows down on the backspaced letters you backspaced.
what happens to the letters you backspace on a computer, where do they go? letters equal pac-mans's hunger
by ThOsE GuYs ArE CoOl LiKe ThAt November 1, 2011
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The world seems too messed up to the point where modern society seems stupid and irrelevant. Is there any hope in this place anymore.
Something has to happen soon or I’m going to lose my mind. SEEMS LIKE My life is becoming more and more irrelevant.
by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker November 23, 2020
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