A pile of shit with used heroin needles sticking out of it, like birthday candles. Commonly found in liberal utopias, where the homeless population has free roam to do whatever the fuck they want.
I was walking my dog around the neighborhood and she almost stepped in a god damn needle cake. I wish the governor would do something.
by Coolzville October 13, 2020
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Is a person who is consumed by using illegal drugs intravenously. Using a needle to shoot up drugs into their veins. The euphoria from shooting up drugs into the veins is almost instantaneous compared to smoking or snorting a line. A drug addict who only uses by injecting drugs into their veins. Their life is spiraling downward and over half of IV users are homeless, jobless, and lost their kids and family.
The needle junkie has an abscess on his arm from missing the veins while shooting up drugs.
by December 30, 2021
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A Poo filled urethra after off the cuff anal.
Last night I had off the cuff anal with out a douch.

My god I woke up with the brown needle.
by Douski December 17, 2022
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Is a dope artist.
Man, my homie got a tattoo by Ninja Needles and it's the shit!

Ninja Needles, man.... He's gonna be remembered someday.
by ThatOneEntity February 24, 2016
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Someone who cares too much about money, wealth and possessions, to the point where it is unhealthy or greedy.

Originates from the famous biblical idiom “Eye of a needle,“ in which Jesus says that its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than a rich person to be saved
All those millionaires and their fancy cars and mansions, they’re all a bunch of needle-camels!
by Ferryhouse May 7, 2022
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The pronouns you make up while you're slamming dope and still have the needle in your arm.

Almost the same as pretend pronouns but with even more rules.
I was so lit last night I kept making up new needle-pronouns all night I think I'm finally really to join the alphabet soup mophia!!
by Woke weasl August 4, 2022
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