A person with the mental or social skills of a lesser or equal to a fly's larva. A yappy, mouthy little bugger who has no idea that he annoys the rest of his peers with his constant yammering.
Oh my god!! Jay is the biggest mental maggot I have ever had to listen to! Can he EVER shut the hell up?!
by Mr. Comcastic August 26, 2010
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The name given to those filthy pink crustaceans that swim about in a pool of Marie Rose surrounded by Iceberg lettuce, then some pervert has the audacity to refer to this abomination as a cocktail!
Apologies the kitchen has ran out of Garlic mushrooms may I suggest the Sea Maggot cocktail?
by DeCaldo May 14, 2018
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I way Irish people say your just here to have fun.
Bruce: Stop Fooling around Mark!
Daniel: Ahh let him go he just fucking the maggot.
by I'm not Irish February 19, 2021
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An term that describes a woman performing oral sex on a man who has a small penis. The woman, unable to tell if the penis is within the mouth takes to licking it instead.
by ExoPaul October 20, 2012
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Degenerate gambling on World Catastrophe's that result in confirmed Deaths.
That Gillygut Maggot Bagger is a Champ when squeezing Chilfarts during Confirmed Kill Competitions
by Chilifart August 10, 2023
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Girl 1: "Did you break up with your boyfriend?"

Girl 2: "No, he said he was sorry for forgetting my birthday."

Girl 1: "Gag a maggot with a spoon."
by Kayaluki!!! October 24, 2009
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Someone who unnecessarily talks shit about people to make themselves feel better, even though they themselves are just pitiful and begging for attention.
"Did you hear all the shit that guy is talking?"

"Oh yeah, he's such a maggot mouth. Ignore him."
by Eggy_Sort July 5, 2018
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