The Karamazov's law states that the real state of the relationship is inversely proportional to the projected state of the relationship on social media.
The Jonssons always seems so happy.

It's a good example of The Karamazov's Law, Mr. Jonssons told me yesterday that they are getting a divorce.
by M kazaim January 8, 2021
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Poutine Law Is a Canadian law that is a traditional Canadian law that has run through the country for hundreds of years. It is a law that means it is mandatory to like poutine. If you do not like poutine than you immediately become a Canadian immigrant.
"Hey Johnny were going out to get poutine wanna come?" "Sorry I don't like poutine" "But your Canadian!" "Well yeah but it just doesn't taste good" "Your breaking the Poutine Law Johnny! I'm not being friends with a criminal" "Wait Savannah please!"
You see how johnny doesn't have an friends anymore? It's because that hecker doesn't like poutine like the rest of us good Canadians. Eat poutine, kids; be a good Canadian citizen.
by Pankakezz March 11, 2020
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A law that states 'the longer a person uses the imageboard 4chan, the probability of that person committing the crime of possessing child porn approaches 1'. When this happens, the user is considered a 'pedofag' and must quit 4chan forever.
Zed's Law - You're a pedofag
by sorta May 12, 2011
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When using a riot shield, you may not run a primary weapon as your secondary, or carry any explosives.
That riot shielder killed me with a fire shotgun. He’s breaking Hoop’s Law.
by QuesoSubmarine January 24, 2022
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If a thread or conversation of any kind last long enough, it will always evolve into a thread about 45th President Donald Trump and things related to him
An example of "The Forty-Fifth law" is a thread on /an/ talking about which dog is the cutest, if given enough time the thread will be filled with people arguing about election fraud, calling each other racial slurs and accusations of having the inability of transitioning into a woman
by The Letter X February 4, 2021
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