A sex position where the girl lays on her belly while curled up like a potato and the guy pipes her from behind.
Dude 1: yo dude you know that girl Foz ?
Dude 2: yeah bro
Dude 1: I straight up reverse potatoed her last night
by November 9, 2020
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A sex position where the girl lays on her belly while curled up like a potato and the guy pipes her from behind.
Dude 1: yo dude you know that girl Foz ?
Dude 2: yeah bro
Dude 1: I straight up reverse potatoed her last night
by November 9, 2020
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somebody who is a medic, but in reverse.
they kill you, and then give money to you
person: this is a medic
person: and this is a reverse medic!
child: thats jack the ripper, a murderer , John
by angry jellyfish :] March 30, 2023
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A sex move in which someone bends over 90 degrees at the hip and giving someone else head.
"Yo your mom gave me the reverse centaur last night"
by guy cheeseburger February 16, 2022
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The feeling of envy and exasperation evoked by the perceived level of happiness of another person.
Ludwig: Have you seen ze guy over there? Look at hau happy he is!
Wilhelm (drenching of reverse schadenfreude): Yes, let'z bust his face open, haha.
by Ahmedinejad August 29, 2015
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A difficult defensive maneuver executed by the “bottom” participant during anal sex in which said individual backs up on the dick in their ass and performs a 360° degree corkscrew turn that forcefully ejects the penis from the anus.
I was hitting her hard from the back but I guess she had somewhere to be cause she hit me with that reverse booty twist and sent me back on my ass while she rushed outta the room.
by Quan Master Quan October 16, 2021
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When you get confused during sex and end fucking a fork/spoon/knife
Nigga1- james harden- yo mr henry last night me and jamesha reverse drivethroughed

Nigga2- lebron james- mr slugsss
by Xxxxxjadenshef69 March 29, 2018
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