In the summer of 1967, the hippie craze in America hit an all time high with The Monterey International Pop Festival (a festival with a number of popular rock artists of the time) and an astronomical amount of teenagers from all around the country flocking the Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, California (with was the nucleus of the hippie/drug culture of the 60's). It was known as the 'beginning of the end' of hippie culture. The summer of love has not happened since; and any people or broadcasting stations that use it just thinks it's catchy.
The Summer of love was riddled with LSD.
by J.T.F. June 21, 2007
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There are two ways to define 'Skinny Love', but both talk about romantic relationships.
The first is used to describe a type of relationship between two people that are very in love with each other, or are crushing big time on the other; but are far to embarrassed to express their feelings. The relationship is 'skinny' because they have yet to come out and explain their true feelings. There is no communication, there for it's not even really a 'relationship'.
The second is to describe a similar thing, but instead of no communication, the relationship lacks love. It is where two people are dating just for the sake of dating, the sake of being with someone. To fill that empty void, to give them something to do. They do not actually love each other.
Example ->

Samatha: Aw how sweet! Jimmy and Kira look so cute together. It must be true love!
Kira's friend: Yeah, but they are always too shy to tell each other that they love them. It's skinny love.
by Frosty-chan October 6, 2013
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Love is a drug that will cure most of your problems, but will eventually have a few side effects. When you truly "love" a person, you want to be with them every part of the day. You want to cuddle with them. You want to hug and kiss them nonstop. But in the end after all of that bullshit your going to end up heart broken and insecure for the next say 2 months. When you really love someone and you feel like they love you too, they probably don't love you like you love them. Love is a drug that will fuck you up till the day you die. Unless you truly have the one person that actually "loves" you then your set. But don't get addicted to a drug like "love" and think you will be ok. You wont be ok.
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Dude, i watched shrek is love last night!

It hurt, but I do it for Shrek.
by Shrekk May 13, 2014
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An anime/manga involving girls who start an idol group to save their school from being shut down. These girls are most likely lesbian.

There is also a mobile rhythm game of it as well.
Person 1: I finished the last few episodes of season one of Love Live, and damn I got hit with some feels!
Person 2: Haha, good luck with season two.
by Watanabae March 7, 2016
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A term coined by Patton Oswalt in an attempt to create a more wholesome term for semen.
With all that love paint, you look like a rat in a rainstorm!
by Hugh Lloyd December 22, 2006
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