when a white girl is giving oral sex to a black man, and taking it up the butt or in the vagina from a black man.
me and my bro gave her an oreo the other night
by Caboose313 March 2, 2009
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A game where two people play rock,paper,scissors and the loser has to ask out whoever the winner chooses.
Aria: I played that oreo game with Veronica and lost and she's making me ask out Adam...ugh it's going to be super awkward.
Rachel: Oh that sucks, but you cant back out since you agreed to play.
Aria: yeah, i lost fair and square.
by 《Břøķëń》 June 20, 2019
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It's a chocolate cookie with icing sandwiched in the middle. Tastes like heaven when dipped in milk. Quite possibly the best snack ever created.
Her: I wonder what he's thinking about right now

Me: Mmmmm Oreo Cookies....
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when you are unable to twist an Oreo in half to break it into two separate pieces.
Mike: What's up?
Cal: I've got such bad Oreo rage right now!
Mike: Try twisting with both hands.
Cal: Ah, thats easier.
by Calquantum December 21, 2009
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When a young Black man doesn't like to associate with other Black people and would never go out with a Black girl. He behaves like a White person, has White friends, always dates White women. For all intents and purposes is Black on the outside, but White on the inside.
"Holden would never date a Black girl. He prefers White girls."
"I know, he's a total Oreo cookie."
by Babydoll75 March 5, 2019
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When one is wearing both a white sock on one foot and a black sock on the other.
Dude, my laundry wasn't finished before school this morning, so I'm stuck with oreo socks.
by staysludge904 August 29, 2009
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The "Rubber Oreo" is the specific instance of the female "camel-toe" in tightly fitted workout pants. A classic Rubber Oreo will perfectly outline both outer labia and possibly inner labia wherein they resemble the edge of an Oreo cookie viewed from the side at a downward facing angle... then obviously wrapped tightly in rubber.
I was doing leg extensions at the gym and saw this girl's Rubber Oreo from behind during her set of Romanian Dead-lifts.
by MrRubberOreo April 17, 2019
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