Boycotting or not using any social media ( i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) for the sake of privacy and living your life without the daily pull of social norms.
I decided to go technologically Vegan because I'm sick of always answering to my phone!
by Panmata January 26, 2018
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Bioextraphysical Technology or Technobioextraphysics is a broad area of bioextraphysics, involving the use of extraphysical living systems and extraphysical organisms to develop or make products and technologies. Depending on the tools and applications, it often overlaps with related extraphysical and technological fields. Bioextraphysical technology often works with the development of biotechnologies that would be able to work at extraphysical level and replicating the same properties and functions of bioextraphysics and that could be used for several goals, such as the development of bioextraphysical products and even to turn humanity into a bioextraphysical species.
"Bioextraphysical technology is a nice field that might grow a lot in the future, despite it might take a lot of time until it's full developed such as the other fields of extraphysical technology, technobioextraphysics and technoextraphysics."
by Full Monteirism June 16, 2021
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Abused by technology : users being stalked by algorithyms to benefit an app creator or advertisers. taking advantage of users by showing them "eye candy". This technique allows the user to be distracted while trying to complete a task at hand, advertisement displayed is sure to pique the interest of the user and take them away from their priority task.
For most websites, the user is interacting with Bots as they seek assistance, not a human. If a bot communicates to users in the wrong context it is therefore, not a human to blame. Robots do mislead users to buy plug ins they don't need, for example as it is an upsell. Beneficial for the Corporate Giant. Not the user.
When the Corporate Giants of tech are allowing algorythms to trick thier users, not correcting falsified information given by bots, withdrawing money from users accounts, and not providing the service in which was intended, falsifying reality to our young and all the while the ones employed there don't allow thier children on thier own is Technologically abusive.
Taking advantage of humans, using their weaknesses, depriving users of personal accounts approx 10 days due to a lack of adequate staff. Humans using Robots to do thier dirty work to other humans. In some cases, tech giants are collecting money from accounts that they know the user has not used. They monitize and can see and hear you at all times ..they are taking your money the robots will then take blame.
Not only have I had to deal with the realism of a pandemic, but being left with no cell service or computer for 10 straight months, after enduring physical, psycological, emotional and mental abuse. I get back to civilization to realize the worst is just beginning as now i am being "technoligically abused and I actually think technological abuse is the worst form of abuse yet! How are we enforcing ZERO TOLERANCE CYBER BULLYING ? Whomever surfs the net is contradicting thier anti bullying belief, because we are ALL actually supporting it! Algarithyms are corporate giant bullies.
by Bobby cyn Waugh August 9, 2021
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A mental state in which overwhelming use of technology alters behavior usually negatively, but not exclusively negatively in relation to social functionality.
The men and women lost interest in one another. Instead of taking each other out on dates they stayed home and played with their Iphones.

Joe was really trying to get Sally's attention by making eye contact. She was making love to her Iphone so much she didn't notice.

Although there were 20 people sitting together in a room, they all were on their Iphones and wouldn't talk to one another. They were in a state of deep technological hypnosis.
by Ontological June 24, 2018
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The most LIT college in the world. Literally.
Person 1: I'm gonna get soooo lit down in college.
Person 2: Where at?
Person 1: Lamar Institute of Technology, or LIT
by ultragamer066 July 26, 2017
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southfield A&T:the school where you can find the rich people at a ghetto setting...DO NOT GO THERE if you do you will get robbed out of your cromebook and your shoes,This school is so dirty people will shit on the floor and smeer it on the walls..they dont care about you and they never will...YOU DONT WANT TO GO THERE 16 fights in one day you might be the next ont on the floor on january,16 save the date.
southfield arts and technologydirty,TRASHY,shitty guards,racist teachers,art with shit

phrases;" aye yo what school you go to?"..southfield a&t.."oh hell nah you one of them"
"why you doing that?" yo thats that southfield shit..
by onlyonealivetoday November 3, 2021
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Any advanced system through which human beings interact with electronic or mechanical devices.
An operating system on a computer acts as a Technology Service for a user to interact with programs and applications, as well as other computer systems.

An information technology professional provides Technology Services for common users to interface with their personal peripheral devices.
by Crailsledge September 13, 2009
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