It’s plain and simple. Right there in the word itself. It’s a fart that is super smelly but also very stanky. We love some loud, super smelly stanky farts. Am I right? *makes farting noise with armpit followed by crowd of elementary schoolers fucking dying laughing*
Mack: Yo, I was giving this girl the pipe last night right? Then all the sudden she sat on my face and annihilated it with a super smelly stanky fart. It reeked of a combination of Taco Bell, Arby’s, and Buffalo Wild Wings.

Kenny: Man, I wish I had a girl that would project an incredibly super smelly stanky fart onto my face. She sounds awesome.

*kenny dies of AIDS*
by HomieWithThatXtraChromie February 18, 2023
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It's a slang term for balls that smell so bad that you can smell it across the room.
Yo Rudolph you've got some Stanky Balls , maybe you should wash more.
by RudolphBallsStink May 10, 2019
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A man’s penis after having stinky butt sex
That’s was good, but now I have a stanky lanky.
by ilovesparky September 24, 2020
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So basically a Stanky Fingers are when you are fingering a girl and you smell your two middle fingers and they smell like fish or something bad like wet cardbored it happens when the girl dosent wash
Guy sniffs middle fingers after finger banging her and says damn you have a stanky fishy you need to wash
You gave me stanky Fingers
by SniperYeet November 12, 2019
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An attractive girl that is raunchy and down to party
*A slow and uneventful night is developing*
“Damn, dude I need a stanky one
by urbansplatt July 27, 2019
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One who enjoys partaking in foot related activities. These activities more often than not include using stinky feet to cum, ejaculate, get off, splooge, jizz, bust, explode, skeet, seed, blow or if you feel so inclined gnarg or qwert.
Hooba stankie noun
When I left my apartment building, I gave the hooba stankie a disgusting glare for keeping me up all night.
by Darku911 September 30, 2021
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