The act of (accidentally or otherwise) committing to plans with two separate groups of people at the same time, likely resulting in a poor attempt to 'do both'.
"Where's Rosalie tonight? She said she was coming to the party?"
"Ahh, she's pullin' a Dan at another party with her other friends, she'll show up later tonight"
by rosaliehope June 20, 2017
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You lay on the floor and feel for vibrations of people walking. Usually to become aware of another persons presence during masturbation to prevent being caught in the act.
-I almost got caught jerking it last night by my mom, luckily I managed to cover up before she walked in.
-How did you know she was coming?
-I was pullin' an apache!
by RRDNisse June 15, 2017
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To be fooled by an online chatter with promises of love, affection, and financial security only to be left at the airport.
Damn, Tim, you were right. I need a ride back from the airport, I just got caught pullin' a whoreson, man. I've Been p0wned.
by p0wnage jones May 28, 2010
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Trying to clear and area with no bullets
So I was trying to kill this squad, kicked in the door and then I ended up Pullin a Marek!
by Swedish_Chef August 27, 2021
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When a girl takes a shit on a boy and screams "poo on you" over and over again until the deed in done.
Isabelle: Dude did you hear what happened tonight?

Kersti: Yea, that drunk girl was pullin a Julie!
by yi! June 10, 2009
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