That overated annual event where participants go to another country and compete
Person 1: Are you in the olympics?

Person 2: No

Person 1: Are you happy?

Person 2: ...yes
by Conn-06 May 15, 2019
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Can be used to mean "i love you" or a variant of some sort.
by neopronoun hoarder February 3, 2021
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10 medals in Track and Field events for men's track, as many as Kenya's total number of medals for all events in both sexes, is not a nightmare Olympics. The media and people saying that is semi American are the half hearted ones, the track and field teams gave it their all and finished their Olympics with something to smile about.
For most countries, 10 medals would be a dream come true, not a Nightmare Olympics. In a pandemic with more time away from training and families than any other Olympics the United States participated in, not to mention hardly any veterans/leadership/teammates from past Olympics, 10 medals for men's track and field is special in it's own way.
by The Original Agahnim August 8, 2021
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When a male or female, places their head on the ground or base of a chair, raises their butthole towards the sky (straight up) and releases a fart upon proper signaling. It is representative of the classic lighting of the Olympic torch that is used at an Olympic games.
Lex "Nick light the Olympic torch up baby!"
Nick *raises butthole to the sky and lets one rip*
Mitch - wtf is going on
by blackhawk700 December 5, 2019
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Similar to the regular Olympics, except that instead of playing sports, it's a bunch of drunk people tripping and falling over, vomiting, and ranting.
Announcer 1: Irish Olympics athlete #21, O'Donovan, just face planted twice, hurled thrice, and went on a tirade about his wife!
Announcer 2: Here comes the clean-up crew with some steel wool...
by Leadfoot Leon September 14, 2016
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The imaginary olympics for Thai people who think they won gold medals because of being able to eat spicy food.
Thai person: Can you eat spicy food?
Tourist: No,you guys have already won all gold medals in Spicy Food Olympics.Right on!
by Kermode Bear September 27, 2018
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people trying to upstage other people with greater personal moral outrage
The outrage olympics began when someone used the word "crippled" to describe the differently-abled person.
by Orangeboxman May 10, 2017
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