When a chainsaws quite sharp according to ed
"how's the 66 looking Ed?"
"Oo yeah sharp as a nuns chisel she is"
by Nomadrush June 15, 2023
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The kind of budgets people will come up for you when they want you to move to an expensive town. The name comes from the fact that the people are only factoring in basic expenses such as rent, utilities, and maybe a car payment. This assumes that you live like a monk or nun, because they seem to figure that you never go out and eat very little or not at all.
I was duped into moving to that fancy resort town by being shown a budget that made it look like I could afford to live there. This was a true monk/nun budget because as soon as my car broke down I was out of luck.
by New English July 1, 2010
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Used when describing how one can feel in an unneccesary awkward situation.
Stina: How weird was it when they scolded me for having my period.
Lina: Yeah... that made me feel like a nun in a jock strap!
by anitsanil November 28, 2017
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A creamy, juicy nun; a nun you just need to go down on.
Man, look at that gelatinous nun!
by Unclearclairity February 14, 2023
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She went and bashed the nun for JJ wick he loves her Nun bashing
by Jamesrugby October 9, 2023
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Rubbing a vaj jah jah till orgasm
She went and rubbed herself cause JJ Wick loves it when she does Nun bashing
by Jamesrugby October 9, 2023
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hey let’s go nunning after school today
by joemamabama October 28, 2019
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