used sometimes by nackers/chavs to substute the word "me"
photo album called: "meh"(contains picters of the person who owns the myspace,bebo or whatever)
by St3v3n .......r July 27, 2008
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The sound made by a sheep, also known as bleating
sheep say meh meeeehhhh
by latrociny July 14, 2010
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1. Used to portray indifference, along with words such as eh whatever and shruging.

2. Used in chatrooms as a misspelling of me or my. Often displays ownership of a good quality, object, or hot guy.
1. p1: How was your day?
p1:...Which means...?
p2: I don't care. Bugger off.

2. p1: u think im mean??? i dont care, at least i got meh good looks!!!!
p1: lol did u check out meh spiffeh blog???
p1: OMG! Rafael is meh favorito ninja turtle!!!111!!
by Ducki February 22, 2008
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I use it as a 'sigh' most often. Or an exclamation of helplessness or substitute for "Gawd...".

But mostly I use it in the same context as the rest of the world
eg. "Meh. I'm so damn tired..."

"I don't know what to wear 2day. Meh!"

"Meh! I'm gonna be late for work!!"

Friend - "So what time you wanna meet?"
Me - "Meh"
by Venus Envy March 31, 2006
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A word to fill up space when the brain is empty. Can cause irritation if overused.
How are you?
What'd you do last night?
Are you okay?
OK I'm leaving
by kate November 22, 2004
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i word used wen you basically cba (cant b arsed)~ to put anything else or possibly wen your chat partener is boring you
Dude : OMFG i got this awsome T1 internet haha your a noob DSL NOOB

You : Yer....

Dude : PWNT

You : meh =/
by lalamooki September 6, 2007
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