When you purchase a large unpeeled clove of garlic for the specific purpose of inserting it into your anus to rebuild your tolerance of garlic. This process is best preformed by a partner. The proper steps are outlined below:
1. Purchase clove of garlic

2. Bend over and present the target
3. Your partner will now position the garlic over the anus and execute a literal falcon punch against the garlic clove driving it into your anus
4. It is recommend to now sitdown and let it sauté
"Hey dude, i cant eat garlic anymore. Can you clove punch me, i need to get this sorted"
by riffraffbullshit May 22, 2021
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When a dog-shit employee goes out of their way to french kiss the shit-box of a high level manager as a means to promote job security. Generally, this is done when said employee should be fulfilling their job responsibilites, but instead choses to spend that time caressing the managerial balloon-knot.

Other forms of "Executive Tongue-punching" include, but are not limited to: inviting the boss and his wife over for dinner, going out drinking with the CEO, and going on vacation with the president of the company.
Brian: "Did we get those reports from Greg yet?"

John: "Nope. Been waiting on them all morning. I guess an executive tongue-punch comes before his job."
by Shenaniganz13 February 8, 2023
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Fisting, while the recipient is on her period.
Joe: GAH! I'm so horny.

Amy: I'm on.

Joe: Shit. I think I might try punching the butcher...

Amy: Punch my butcher. Punch the hell out of him.

Joe: *dons latex gloves*
by The22ndCatch December 27, 2011
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A gun. Usually used when mentioning guns directly is non-desirable, e.g. when in the presence of potential government agents online.
I built a long range hole punch in my garage the other day.
by wonkire March 5, 2023
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Dan Shaughnessy is an American sports writer, and while he writes for the Boston Herald, he seems to have a general hard-on for hating all Boston sports. Considered a clown by many other writers, and has "Punch My Face" written all over his.
It IS possible to have "Punch My Face" written on it. Just look at Dan Shaughnessy.
by Projectshadow January 20, 2022
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Hey babe ,can you we do something different tonight
Yea sure what do you have in mind
Could u maybe tongue punch me in between my eyes
Oh your kinky kinky ,ok let's do jt
by Shartonmydickdaddy November 4, 2020
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Whipping your penis out during sex and jabbing your partner in the face hard enough to make it feel like a punch.
She told me she likes kinky stuff last night so I whipped my dick out and cock punched her in the face.
by Nipplesandtoes May 30, 2017
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