if they went to the point where they said this that must've meant you've been begging. they probably said no the first time so just stfu and stop trying!they are not playing "hard to get" they just want you to fuck off. is no so hard for you to understand?
d-head:hey,wanna have a drink?

random:no, thank you!

d-head:why not?

random:i dont want to.


random:maybe another time?

random:*runs away*
by darlling<3 April 5, 2022
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In Hollywood or Los Angeles, we sometimes reply to an invite with "Hollywood maybe" when we don't want to completely commit.
Q: Do you want to go to brunch tomorrow with my friends visiting from out of town?

B: Sounds ok if nothing better comes up, Hollywood maybe.
by MD90210 May 19, 2017
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An empty threat made in response to perceived asshole-ery, typically via text message.
If you are an asshole then maybe we won't hang out Sunday.
by pettibzb November 23, 2011
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When your friends say they will play later but truly they wont and just want to make fun of you and dont want to play gmod with you
by BIG Richard the great May 1, 2020
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Adjective. Describes a situation where a person believes they may have ADHD but have not been formally diagnosed.
Your partner's Maybe-HD is no excuse for infidelity.
by dreaminc August 13, 2022
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When you ask someone something very serious and they reply with 'maybe'
'Would you marry me?'
bro you just got maybed!
by SkinnyZucchini May 3, 2020
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