“omg, she smells so bad! i bet she has LABS
by urmomsahoe_ January 10, 2020
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"Lazy ass bitch"

A term use to describe anyone who does not like to work.
by LizG/Fcrew October 20, 2012
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Abbreviation of Lazy and Busy. One will snap at someone else who is asking for assistance by saying LaB (pronounced with the initials) immediately if he/she is reluctant to help.

It could mean that you're simply too busy or just too lazy to help.
Renee: Can you please help me with this experiment, Sebastian?

Sebastian: Sorry. LaB.
by Le Mao January 15, 2013
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Acronym for Lame Ass Bitch

A bro that makes an excuse to not spend quality brotime with you and your broskis.
Teddy Broosevelt: "We should totally have a kick-ass brobrunch later bros!"
Chad: "Sorry I can't, I'm really tired you bros."
Teddy Broosevelt: "God dammit Chad, you are such a fucking LAB!"
by beerpongchamp69 March 11, 2016
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