1.a Jewish person with blonde hair
2.namesake of a contemporary folk/rock outift lead by David Berman known for their poetic lyrics
"Does Rebekkah dye her hair blonde?" "No, she's a real Silver Jew."
by Peter80595689 April 28, 2006
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Honey, lets take the jew canoe to the bagel shop!
by Alexander Papsmear February 4, 2005
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A praise given to a Jew after he/she does something awesome,holy, or sacred.
Ben you are a Jew Bag! Here, let me buy you Night Owl Cookies tonight:)
by SugarShot April 29, 2009
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A woman that is being stingy giving up the pussy.
That chick at the club last night was being a vagina Jew.
by Vashardsky May 21, 2017
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Not a real Jew, just plays one in the movies. Sometimes directors need an actor whom the audience will immediately recognize as Jewish, but isn't in real life, because, hey, who doesn't like to discriminate where it counts?
Ben Kingsley is the biggest Movie Jew I've ever seen. John Turturro is a close second.
by hipsterjew April 1, 2010
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The real problem with sea Jews is they can't be burned.
by Sandyman69 November 2, 2017
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A form of the martial arts used by the ninjew. Kept secret among the Hebrew people, jew-fu allows the ninjew to perform spectacular feats of dexterity, dominate his opponents, or open an otherwise stubborn beer. Used by ninjews to fight pirates.
Darrin: How the hell did you beat me?
Ted: I'm a ninjew.
Darrin: Oh yeah, I forgot. Pwned by the jew-fu again.
by Nacho Dan June 30, 2004
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