When your old computer teacher says random crap and you don't know how to respond
Teacher- "we are going to do this project with no glitter no sprinkles! That is for the next project"
by zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyeet March 19, 2018
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The lightest form of rain according to washington
"Wait there's a difference between rain and sprinkling!?"
by A Washingtonian June 18, 2022
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People under the age of 30 that have five or more nationalities. When plural it’s spoken as sprinkle childs.
“Don’t worry we’re Sprinkle Childs, we have the pass
-a fellow Sprinkle Child
by Rikukun January 20, 2020
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An act by a large muscular man, with a contradictory name, in which he smashes you to pieces when you say something so retarded, you really shouldn't be in his presence.
Guy Hey Sprinkle! I think the reason Christianity developed is because of Hailey's comet, is it?
Girl Shutup Guy, he's about to Sprinkle Smash you.
by 151245 December 14, 2013
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When you have sex for the third time in one night and hardly produce alot of cum on her belly anymore.
"Man felt so good when I blew that huge load on your stomach, Carla."

"Pft! Are you serious right now Bart? That wasn't even a load that was just a little sprinkle shower, your brother Roger , now he blows some huge loads!"
by Rossy kielbasi January 6, 2017
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A synthetic rainbow sprinkle lodged in the crevice of the buttocks, after swimming in a pool of fake sprinkles.
"I wiped my arse only to find dingle sprinkles"
by Cillian_Byrne May 22, 2017
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