A flirty baby. A baby version of lady killer or maneater. A baby who knows how to work it.
Watch out for that Vera, making eyes at baby Daniel, she’s a real DIAPER SNATCHER!
by Annie.milz October 18, 2019
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This describes the one and only... crystal gale. She is capable of pulling a Mr steal your girl quick fast in a hurry like if given the slightest moment when she catches a mofo slippin. It describes how she slides in a niggas crib, driving his whip, until ultimately she pulls the ol snatch and grab on yo kitty kat.
Please be aware of the infamous cat snatcher. She has been recently cited in our area taking the pride out of every sausage available...She is equipped and weaponized with a universal plug and play device which is located between the lips on tha face. This device is capable of instantly taking the manhood from any dumb ass nigga who just cant get right. Beware there is no discrimination in her game before you know it your ass done got cat snatched.
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An extremely offensive British offensive, meaning to steal ones freshly buttered crumpets
"Did you steal my tea?" You're such a crumpet snatcher!"
by Yllom.gollom February 4, 2016
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An extremely offensive British offensive, meaning to steal ones freshly buttered crumpets
"Did you steal my tea?" You're such a crumpet snatcher!"
by Yllom.gollom February 4, 2016
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someone who grabs vaginas due to muffin meaning vagina and snatcher meaning a person who grabs
Our president Donald Trump is considered a "muffin snatcher" because he has been known to say grab them by the pussy.
by One Legged Jeff January 30, 2017
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