A place for posers or someone (like me) who just wants a danm shirt not a bunch of wuss emotistical shirts for bands such as fall out boy and panic at the disco, because there singers are pussies.
as already said the equivilent to abercrombie in fitch but for "unconformist" goths and emos. hot topic is meh
by NIck Saltzman July 15, 2006
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A place to shop to be different, just like everybody else.
Hot topic is a store.
by gleaso5 December 27, 2003
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A store for punk, goth, emo ect people that overprices clothes, but also has a great selection of belts, belt buckles, plugs, patches and more cool stuff at reasonable prices.
"Dude? why are you going to hot top, the clothes are so expensive?"
"Because i want to buy a new Belt buckle and some plugs."
by Andy March 15, 2005
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a mighty fine shop. probably the only place besides ebay that i can purchase a wide variety of neat shirts (tees, fishnets, you name it). also a good place to pick up some non-traditional-colored hair dye and temporary hair color, and the only place i really get my jelly bracelets from.
ppl are always like hot topic sux but im like stfu ass its a great store with comfy clothing
by unusu-al June 15, 2004
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A store where posers who want to be punk/goth but are to afraid go
this place is really emo
emo: last night i was cutting myself and i got it all over my hot topic shirt, noooooooooooooooooo
by jake clarke Miller December 20, 2006
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get over yourselves. it's only a store that sells clothes. just like american eagle or ambercrombie and fitch. people shop there because they like the stuff. not because they're posers.
please, get a life. stop insulting Hot Topic on urban dictionary. you give the site a bad name
by october24 August 8, 2008
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A Store most black people are afriad to go in or even walk in front of.
Check it out, those black guys won't even come within 20 feet of Hot Topic.
by C-Moneys March 28, 2007
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