A Boris is a reserved and serious man. Untill the moment you get the honor to look what's behind the curtains. Boris is the most charming person you'll ever meet. With his friendly face and warm appearance he makes you feel at home. Besides from being rational, he also likes to be dreamy. His heart is so honest and rare that he has the ability to let you dream with him. Boris has beautiful eyes that can look right into your soul. His body and mind are pure perfection. Once he loves you, he treats you like a Godess. He is the one who will blow you of your feet, in and outside the bedroom. Boris is a handsome, funny and intelligent *God*, this world really needs to be worthy waken up to every day.
Boris, a man with a lot of hidden secrets, look further than just the cover of the book
by LoveBird2.0 November 24, 2021
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Boris is a scientist that was turned in to a cat, very nice guy but he hates cheese
Hi Boris want some cheese?
Translation: fuck u
by Dulidudu March 1, 2022
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This name comes from Eastern Europe (slavic) nations, it was given to male newborns who was expected to be strong mentally and physically, someone who just doesn't give up on something.

Boris means "fight" (borba), "to fight" (boriti se) or a "fighter" (borac)

There are female versions like Borislava, but they are extremely rare.
Ay, is that Boris?

Yes, thats him.
by Eminem itself November 24, 2021
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Winning entry for man with worst hair dresser 2021.

Otherwise known as the "bloo passport guy" or the inventor of the supreme insult- "great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies"- designed flawlessly to be directed at a person exhibiting signs of cowardice.
Occasionally recognised as the UK Prime Minister. But not often. He's been difficult to take seriously after he tackled some poor child in what was clearly a very intense game of primary school rugby.
"Did you see that video of Boris on the zip-wire Grandma?" "Yes, I did. It was most amusing."
by ealybird.x01 September 23, 2021
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boris is a name of a giga chad, it's a very powerful name, ful of grace and sdrumagine.

A used sentence is:
boris che cazzo fai!!!


boris sdrumalloooooo
by December 6, 2022
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A kid that’s way below the standards of being a high rank like plat 2 in Rainbow 6 Siege for example gets carried he drops breadsticks and donuts every game, also Tks when you’re about to clutch the game by yeeting a c4 and claps 3 teammates
Damn man you pulled a Boris you’re trash af
by Borissucks March 25, 2020
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Du wirst nicht bereuen Boris kennenzulernen. Boris ist eine hübsche, freundliche und talentierte Person. Sehr viele Unterschätzen ihn aber er kann viel mehr und er versucht es irgendwann jedem zu zeigen und alle werden baff. Du kannst Boris vertrauen und er hilft dir. Er ist aber auch meistens die Person die selber Hilfe braucht. Irgendwann wird er von Depressionen entfallen, aber diese Depressionen helfen ihn. Den er kann sie selber besiegen. Boris fängt an Selbstbewusstsein zu entwickeln und wird später ein junger berühmter Mann oder Junge in der Öffentlichkeit.
Girl : Wer war das am Hauptbahnhof?
Girl 2 : Boris🥵
Girl : 🥵🥵🥵
Girl 2 : Er steht neben mir...
by Emiliaaaaaalol November 28, 2021
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