Getting fucked up, drunk and fucked. Plus points if it all happens on the dance floor at a club.
“Girl, I’m so hyped for tonight!”

“Yeah, we’re getting appled tonight!”
by Mathevabergfin October 7, 2023
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To be hit in the balls with an Apple
Matt threw an Apple at Dave, Dave has the hand eye co-ordination of an amputee with Parkinsons, missed the catch and got Appled in the balls. Dave got a good Appling.....
by DustyDaveGotAppled October 5, 2021
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As opposed to an applet elsewhere defined as a program that runs in a web browser that appled conversely and not as tersely refers merely to applauding the common apple.
This appled applies applause in a plausible plurality opposition of how amazingly perfect is that apple, created by God, that man in his countless efforts of reproduction thereof by means of photography, art, sculpture, pictography, etc. has still not succeeded in recapturing elements characteristic of what God essentially intented to be an apple.
by Hercolena Oliver May 12, 2008
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A website which helps users find out if an alleged sex offender was a part of their favourite film or TV show.
"I was going to start watching House of Cards but I looked it up on The Rotten Apples and apparently Kevin Spacey is a paedophile."
by mattybb December 25, 2017
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Where you wake up the next morning, and your significant other forgot to wipe the night before your anal tickling with your bald head.
"Dude, why does it look like a poop emoji on your head?"
"She gave me an Apple Valley Steamer last night, man."
by griz93 December 25, 2019
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A term for a cougar on a downward slope (losing looks, allure money, attitude, confidence, etc.).
"Did you see Sheila last night? She used to be such a cougar, but damn that apple is browning. Fast."

"Oh, she's so sad. Clearly she doesn't realize she's a browning apple."
by Cattocius February 20, 2012
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A way better nickname for your other half other than "Bae, Boo, honey, sweetie" or anything else that is given to that person whom you love so dearly.
My girlfriend is my apple cinnamon bun, I love her to death.
by LittleMissWords-A-Lot November 18, 2016
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