The New Plague is another term for aids theat GWAR(the best death-metal band ever) first used in a song entitled The New Plague to tell how he got aids
"Im just a person, and ive got The New Plague;
I dont know how i got this way;
I drank some whiskey, went and got laid;
now im a person jus a person with aids!"
-by GWAR, the best death-metal band ever!!!(probobly the best band overall biatch!)
by oderus orungus March 5, 2007
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Dating during a pandemic that requires physical distancing and included virtual dating.
My plague date tonight is live on Zoom
by Jane Glass June 15, 2020
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Is the feeling of having the flu, strep throat, and laryngitis while feeling completely fatigued with every joint and every muscle aching. You also may feel like you're recovering from hypothermia from spending hours in cold.
I have haunters plague from scaring people in a haunted house.
by Batsandghosts October 3, 2022
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Plagues are the most dangerous as the name implies it's deadly and nobody can escape The Plagues no mercy just punishment and agony, usually targets pedos
Kneel before The Plagues
by Kevlol June 23, 2021
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After a group of teens comes back from a music trip to Australia, they all seem to be dying and so jet lag. Will they survive? Is it the end of the world as we know it? Find out next time on Finding the Kardashians
We’re all dying and must have the Australian plague
by SaucyBoi3000 March 23, 2018
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A deadly illness spreading in the dark age. Usually it spread through anal sex between a cisgender man and a cisgender woman on her period
by Rat_pussy January 21, 2022
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1 ) Is where you only show up to school once a week, and fail everything

2) McDonald's slave

3) someone who's a loser, autistic, sped, a idiot, adhd, slow, dumb, dumbass, stoopid, clueless, worthless, useless, bitch, fucking peasant, slave, dropout
Plague is a fucking special ed dropout who sells drugs and works at McDonald's
by Chimp4pf August 14, 2023
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