A group that originally supported Ron Paul but was subsequently taken over by Republican Fundietards, Corporatists, and generally uneducated white blue collar rednecks who don't know what's best for them.

These people think they are mirroring the Boston Tea Party, but in reality are doing no such thing as the original Boston Tea Party was meant to stand against the corporatism practiced by the East India Company with the passing of the Tea Act of 1773. In short, this act gave the EIC permission to import tea into the colonies TAX FREE. This was done to screw over American tea businesses. Sound familiar?

They are also using this as an excuse to push a far-right christian fundietard agenda by gutting social programs, education, regulatory agencies and women's health services.

The end goal of their master is a stupid, destitute populace that is subservient to them and ONLY them.

These folks also love to project their own failures onto anything they perceive as 'the Left', or 'Liberals', or 'Libtards'. Examples of this include throwing around the words 'Indoctrination', 'Socialism', and 'Communism'. It seems all we can do now is prevent them from becoming another Liberty League.
Person 1: What's with the Tea Party? Don't they realize that the people they put in office want to hurt them, not help them?

Person 2: I'm sure people were asking the same thing about the Liberty League during FDR's presidency..sad how history repeats itself.
by Grey Buddhist September 12, 2011
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is a condition in which the sufferer has frequent watery, loose bowel movements after a long night of drinking heavily. In College Life , pouring tea is the most common cause of death among unsuspecting roommates, killing more than 1.5 million per year. Also Commonly known as pissing out your asshole.
After a long night of drinking red bull and vodka Mac was pouring tea all over his roommates bathroom.
by Nicholas M. September 14, 2006
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Like tea bagging but with a "cake" i.e.vagina. To place your vagina onto someone's face while they are asleep, unaware or unsuspecting.
Last night Sharon passed out drunk and got tea caked by Mandy.
There was a photo from when Mandy was tea caking sharon
by Bikerk8 March 2, 2014
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A mixed drink consisting of long island iced tea, except for instead of cola, you put in jaeger. So a jersey tea is equal parts vodka, gin, tequila, rum, triplesec, sour mix, and a splash of jaeger
Fish got tanked after kvk bought him that Jersey Tea. He deserved it for being such a POS
by flyingslooter June 30, 2010
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Process of blending semen, tea, and vaginal secretions in a womans vagina.
When you eat it out you must say "mmm, what a lovely tea party!"
"I gave that bitch some Luis Tea"
"I made some Luis Tea in that bitches cooch"
by Lupe's mom's tits January 16, 2008
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Aka meat curtains, labia hanging/stretched downwards/ honed.
Leena was intoxicated yanking on her tea leaves for Johnny numbing it up.
by flippersideways November 22, 2013
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