to modify your late model honda accord in such a way that it will look remotely like a nissan skyline, fags think that making a skyline is a substitute for the real thing. adding fake rim wheel covers is also denoted as being a dumb ricer. Same goes for driving an automatic like a standard, putting the car into neutral at a red light and revving the engine, you only look more like fake rice poseur.
irwin you dumb ricer, your skyline accord is a nasty piece of shit.
irwin your car is ugly with your gay eucalyptus green paint and wheel covers, your a dumb ricer.
dumb ricers like to borrow money from their friends and not pay them back, instead choosing to run away like a bitch.
by psychik April 7, 2005
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Going down 101 today I caught a fleet of bean and ricers.
by mundermensch December 25, 2004
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a person with bad taste and little knowledge of nice cars that believes they can join the "import scene" with their busted-ass cars (usually a slow domestic or very old import). they proceed to then add usually cheap (see: American Products Company) aftermarket parts to include loud mufflers, the biggest cheapest spoiler, windshield washer LED's, altezza tailights, light up tire valves, an array of stickers from companies who wouldn't even talk to them about sponsorship, and maybe even nice rims. these individuals will drive arround in their junk cars and believe they are cool and chicks/guys are checking out their cool cars when in fact they are glad they aren't in the car with them being laughed at also.
cool guy 1: man, did you hear that ricer redneck drive by?
cool guy 2: how could i not? it sounded like he was driving a weed-eater at full throttle. i think he was late for work at the taco bell again.
by Big D October 8, 2004
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The style of music that is enjoyed by ricers. Just as ricers have slow, purely aesthetic cars, ricer metal, i.e. mallcore or nu - metal is equally lacking in substance, uniqueness, and talent. One should not be surprised that an individual with such a laughable car would listen to such an abomination of metal.
Hahaha, that ricer is blasting ricer metal, and it's barely audible over his 5" fart can muffler!
by Danger02 October 11, 2006
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person who drives a rice rocket. usually an AzN person, but NOT a poseur white boy who picked up his style and mods from "fast and furious".
"yall wanna f*ck wit us, cuz all across the lanes we burn it up, drop a couple inches, baby low enough? smokin while we bumpin, turn it up"
by PoWeReD bY RiCe June 26, 2003
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An AIM profile with a lot of different colors and flashy text. This is especially bad when the person who has the profile is a guy and not a girl.
Tim Casa has a ricer profile because he used 100 different colors and 10 different fonts in making it, and hes a guy too!!
by tim August 26, 2004
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The act of placing a hamster, gerbil etc. into a tube, then proceeding to insert the said tube into their own assholes and shitting into it, and attempting to push the small animal into the other persons ass.
Dude me and Danny did the Ricer Pipeline last night!
by Thehamguzzler September 24, 2018
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