An excuse for teenage couple's to make out in the presence of parents. Such as when a mom or dad yells downstairs and asks why it's so quiet, they need only to respond back by saying, "We're having a moment of silence! It's Pearl Harbor Day!"
Joe: "Hey man how'd it go with Chrissy the other day?"
Steve: "It was pretty nice. We celebrated Pearl Harbor Day for a bit in my basement."
by a-lex ram February 27, 2011
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A sneak attack, similar to a "cock block", but instead of preventing someone from getting lucky, the perpetrator of the "pearl Harbor" maneuver is trying to steal the person away.
Male #1 is trying to make a move on Female #1, but due to much fluid consumption, must depart and use the restroom. In Male #1's absence, Male #2 moves in and makes his move, thus committing the terrible crime known as "The Pearl Harbor"
by $witchm@$ter March 31, 2008
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the kind of relationship that happens when a best friend goes away whether death or moving or what ever circumstances, and the other best friend starts dating the girl that he ended the relationship with due to death or moving etc.
Bob: hey did you here John Moved to California

Jack: yea him and Mary broke up there relationship and then his best friend Justin started dating her

Bob:Well that sounds quite like a Pearl Harbor Relationship
by Boobiesboobiesboobies October 21, 2010
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to have sexual intercourse with a member of the fairer sex.
I think I'm going to go home tonight and pat the old lady on the ass and park the ol' yacht in hair harbor. Deal!
by weave March 25, 2003
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Palm Harbor University High, Florida. The West side of FL, otherwise known as the rich side of FL. a preppy prep school where rich kids pretend they're not rich and poor kids pretend they're rich. alot of drug use and alot of joking about being gay, which 60% of the school most likely is. 90% of the school owns polo shirts in at least 6 colors. Place full of fags with with tight pants, gay hair, and republicans. Fights are pushing each other. Girls are teases and guys are fake. Hell on Earth. Almost nothing positive comes from it. The few girls who are actually good looking are dumber than a box of rocks, and further prove that girls want the guy who will treat them the most like shit over the one who won't. Everyone there acts like they are non-conforming or unique, or whatever the fuck they like to believe, despite it being far from reality. Oh, Did i mention that the football team starts off good then breaks under pressure?
look at the fag with the cat ears. bet he goes to palm harbor university high school.
by ROfljohn September 29, 2010
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Referred to as the "Q Bridge" by locals, a bridge in New Haven that separates Little Italy from Africa.
Person on Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge: "Once we get out of this bumper-to-bumper traffic, we'll be in Africa!"
by PersonFromNewHaven July 11, 2008
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when you're a pirate at the function trying to find where the dealer is at.
Pirate: Yaaarrrghh Matey! That be a well crafted joke! Say, do any of ye landlubbers know where i may find the next harbor?

Room of people: *awkward stare and silence*
by pessimissia June 29, 2023
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