Among other uses of the phrase, "I'm having a moment" can be used when one is experiencing an overwhelming revelation or is reeling from great surprise or shock and therefore cannot respond to further questions or information before processing the emotion/information and/or briefly recontextualising/reevaluating other beliefs.
Speaker A: "Hey did you know that glass doesn't actually flow like a liquid people just installed the uneven glass thick-side-down. Anyway what do you want me to order for lunch?" (Speaker A presents Speaker B in passing with information that contradicts a long-held belief of Speaker B)

Speaker B: "Sorry, I'm just having a moment right now" (Speaker B requests Speaker A to allow them time to process the novel information before commiserating about the next topic of lunch)
by AzureArmageddon September 4, 2022
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In England it refers to someone in the toilet having a dump
"Where's Jon?"
"He'll be out soon, he's just having a moment - too much curry last night"
by wisetwo March 14, 2017
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The phrase 'Having a moment' should be used whenever a conversation between yourself and someone else is interrupted, either verbally or through the unwanted presence of someone.

Does not necessarily mean the you are actually having a moment.
Boy and Girl are having a discussion about motorized seesaws at a party, Random Guy appears near them, attempting to interject the conversation.

Girl: "Uh sorry, we're having a moment right now"
Boy: *nods*
Random Guy: "Oh, uh, sorry" Exeunt
by Labr4t November 2, 2013
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a moment of absolute fangirl squee, with no rational thought left other than MISHAAA

Misha Collins, actor, currently playing the angel Castiel in the tv show Supernatural and with a crazy fanbase (which are called Minions) he keeps flooring with the things he writes on his twitter account:
Minion #1: OMG, Misha!! His hair! and his voice!! did you see his eyes!?!! *SQUEEE* My heart! I can't take it!!!
Minion #2: I think you're having a Misha moment!
by Mishamadness March 28, 2010
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Not knowing what someone is talking about. Not understanding anything.
Person A: this is a an imortant thing that is happening in france
Person B: im having a aleppo moment
by Creeperchris.777 December 6, 2016
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When you are rude and condescending while having a temper tantrum.
Bob: I'm sick of my family, they are all losers, ugly and have no friends.

Joe: Just because they won't give you money and a place to stay doesn't mean they are rude and ugly. Sounds like you are having a Charlie Sheen moment!
by Happygolucky123 February 26, 2011
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If you‘re getting sick of someone who doesn’t care about rules. Or someone is trying to cheating you.
Someone is blathering about a subsequent event in a project meeting and try to convince the audience to follow his approach. Joe in the audience just asked Ed if he gets tired because his eyes are closed from time to time. He replies: “No, no... I am just having a Walter moment!”
by tschwalbach February 19, 2019
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