Band from austin.texas active from 1981-1987. They were. The preamble to what eventually became known as the "cowboy punk"genre
The band is was founded by brothers chris and Tony kinman

One of their hits "the conductor wore black"was used in the 1985 movie. "to live and die in la". Tony kinman passed y
Away on may 4th
So. May the 4th be with him!
The band rank and file is comprised of chris and Tony kinman.and I can't remember the other guys name!
by 4realazitgits March 22, 2021
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Darren went to kick an innocent pine bush and slipped on his ass like a little bitch. He landed on a pine tree and possibly dislocated his shoulder. There is conspiracy theories about the timeline since the pine tree that dislocated his shoulder was 20 ft away, further than logical for something that would dislocated his shoulder after trying to kick a bush less than 1 foot from the ground.
by Happeninginsandiego January 13, 2018
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Only one copy of this file may exist. In order to get this file, you must take someone else's alpha file.
Cotton couldn't take anyone's alpha file.
by dabodabo December 5, 2017
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Receptacle for letters of complaint, demands for explanations, begging letters, etc.
Did you deal with that wokey's complaint about our announcer using the phrase "ladies and gentlemen"?

Oh, yeah. It's in the Bravo India November file.
by Azenath69 February 15, 2022
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PDF FILE New fans are the ones who comment under videos not knowing what the fuck is going on. They don’t understand the lore or the fanbase, yet chose to openly steal the lingo and jokes. These are not true fans and they are typically doxxed by the rest of the fanbase.
True fan: “looks like another new fan to me, yall let’s dox

True fan 2: “god I just hate those PDF File New fans
by PDF_FILE_true_fan January 29, 2021
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A file format created by Microsoft in Windows 11 when set to UK English. Normally, when you right-click to compress a file, the context menu says "compress to postcode file" instead of the expected "compress to zip file."
Blimey! Windows 11's translation hiccup has left me in stitches. Trying to zip my files results in a 'postcode file' suggestion. I guess my digital documents are off to afternoon tea with His Majesty's postmen!
by play4me June 9, 2023
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