A faggot is a homosexual male, but today, people (mostly teenagers who can't think of any decent come-backs to insults) call anyone who is annoying or saying shit about them a faggot.

A faggot is also a pile of sticks, so calling someone a faggot could be calling them
1. A gay person
2. An annoying person who you have problems with; or
3. A pile of sticks.
Person 1: Hey, I just saw $50 on your bed and spent it on a bunch of crap for myself. I think it mighthave been yours.

Person 2: Of course it was! Why did you do that you faggot?

Person 2's DAD: Hey, son, don't be calling people homosexuals when you know that they are not.

Person 2: What? I was just randomly calling him a pile of sticks. I didn't mean to insult him
by Just another random person December 29, 2014
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A disease or condition involving a homosexual male or female or "male female".
Spencer have you joined the Faggotism club?
by Lil Thong October 24, 2018
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Slang term for homosexual, usualy one who is flamboyantly flaming
Guy A- Want to know an easy way to make a thousand dollars?
Guy B- How?
Guy A- Suck a Cock
Guy B- Wow your such a faggot
by word March 2, 2005
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A slang term used for a gay guy
"Yo you see that guy wade over there yeah he and amelia are both faggots"
by Uk36yeahaight March 3, 2019
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As you can see, the other definitions are old and posted by self hating idiots. The real meaning for faggots:

Heterosexual males who are homophobes.
Dumb ass: i hatez faggots ! UR A FAG

Smart person: No sorry I'm not homophobic like you, I'm not even hetero! Too bad, you just owned yourself.

Dumb ass: uh... wot fuck shit i hatez myself......

Smart person: Well get an education, you'll feel better. Peace!
by I thought you knew? August 18, 2009
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(1) This is the key to offending any gay person ever.

(2) If you're being a faggot, that's different from being gay. It basically means that you're either an asshole, or stupid.
(1) Person 1- "Hey, did you see Tom over there, cupping that guy's nuts?"

Person 2- " What a faggot!"

(2) Person 1- "Stop kicking me seat!"

Person 2-*mocks person 1*

Person 1- "You little FAGGOT!!!"
by The Salty Sailor July 1, 2016
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