A drink with a variety of flavors.
I don't understand why they gave the Tropical Punch Kool Aid a blue package. It's not blue, it's red. It's an actual rip-off.
by Liv Defines July 10, 2016
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A disease contracted by having anal sex with Beastman from the He-Mann series.
I've got Aids. Beastman Aids, and I'll spread it into every good boy and girl today.
by Sodomech January 23, 2004
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Snake Aids is a mental disease which the infected slowly become snakes. All snakes carry snake aids, and if bitten you will be infected. Snake aids is an std, and can be spread by other animals. There is no cure to snake aids, but there are vaccines, though only the rich and powerful are permitted to get.
Man, I can't believe you got snake aids from that snake, how much time do you have left?
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A popular misconception that receiving disability and low income housing for being HIV+ makes you wealthy.
Kris,with a K, is totally AIDS rich.
by getwithbaby November 14, 2009
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A phrase derived from a sketch on the pedophile special episode of Brass Eye (a satirical programme by Chris Morris). In the sketch a distinction between Good AIDS (haemophiliacs, blood transplant patients) and Bad AIDS (homosexuals, drug users) was made by a "Robert Kilroy-Silk"-type character.
"You've got BAD aids!"
by Jack Ketch July 1, 2004
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A penis blown, kissed and sucked upon by a gay.
Your good friend Harvey was blowing on the ole AIDS Flute last night. Got a mouth full of jism.
by Captain Stool May 25, 2013
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